
Alex Jones: General Flynn Called to Try to Warn Me – High Level Sources Say There Is a Contract Out on Me – It’s Tied to the Ukrainians (VIDEO)

Infowars founder Alex Jones says he was warned about a possible Ukrainian assassination plot.

Infowars founder and host Alex Jones released video on Tuesday morning saying he was warned that he is the target of an assassination hit, likely from Ukraine.

Alex Jones said General Michael Flynn tried to call him this morning while he was working out to warn him there is a contract out on him. It’s tied to the Ukrainians who are becoming more desperate by the day.

Alex Jones: All right. General Flynn had tried to call me this morning while I was working out, and I missed his call, but he called my producer and said the same thing. A former head of the Defense Agency said from his high-level intel sources there is a contract out on me, and of course, it’s tied to the Ukrainians.

But this is just emblematic of how desperate they are. That’s NATO through the Ukrainians. Don’t forget that it was a NATO operative from America, CIA, recruiting for the Ukrainian war with the six cell phones that Trump talked about last week and all the passports that tried to kill Trump at Mar-a-lago. So, that’s their base of operations. So it’s MI6 running NATO doing this. And anything happens to me, Keir Starmer, Barack Obama, they’re running their operations out of their NATO. We know it’s not just the Ukrainians. It’s looking worse and worse that they might have hired a group or something, that’s what they do, to send a message to everybody with Jamie.

This is pure intimidation. This is terrorism, and it’s all they got left. So the It was a fight for America in the future. Like I said, I knew this weeks ago, but I was asked not to say anything about it.

When I’m mentioned a little on the air, I got a contact and saying, Hey, man, did you say that? Because you heard that from us. I said, No, I got it from other sources. About People come into town in the last three weeks trying to kill Elon. That’s why I was on Rogan talking about, Yeah, I might get killed.

Because the teams were here for sure for him. They stopped him twice that we know of, and they got other crazies they’ve wound up. If I told you what happened last night at Infowars, not just the swatting in the middle of the night of Chase Geiser and his family, but the stuff coming in, I’m probably going to go ahead and cover at 11: 00 AM today.

But the left is disgusting, and they’re a bunch of pedophile devil worshippers. We’re winning. They’re panicking. They don’t know what to do. They think intimidating is going to work. Well, how does it worked out for you so far? I’m not scared at all. I am scared of not completing my mission. I’ve got family to take care of if I get killed.

But at the end of the day, we’re all destroyed anyways if we don’t stop them. So we all get saved or none of us do. So I’m not suicidal. I love life. And so they kill me instead of suicide. It’s a total lie. But this means we’re really winning because they don’t want to turn me into a martyr.

They try to demonize me, lie about me, have the rigged court cases, plant child porno, all this stuff they did. And now they’re losing on every front, and they just don’t care. And so they want me dead. And what you did with the poison shots, the GMO. Kennedy’s moving to take all the poison out of the food right now. Doing a great job. Trump’s for real, folks. Musk is for real. I’m for real. You’re for real.

11: 00 AM Central. I’ll give you big updates on this and more. The globalists are making their move. They don’t want you to tune into my show because I know what their next move is. It’s incredibly obvious, and that’s why I keep predicting what they’re going to do next. But they are really pissed at me about that. And they’re pissed that Trump’s really listening now. Their worst nightmare has come true.

Remember those old headlines eight years ago? The new chief of staff’s main job is keeping Trump away from Alex Jones’ infowars. Well, it didn’t work. This is the info war. And so you won’t stop us one way or another. You’re going down, globalists. You’re going down, New World Order. Keep running your games, your intimidation. See how it worked out for you. We got God on our side, you Satan worshippers, you fucking pedophiles. Fuck you.

The post Alex Jones: General Flynn Called to Try to Warn Me – High Level Sources Say There Is a Contract Out on Me – It’s Tied to the Ukrainians (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.