
‘Watching Her Collapse’: Newt Gingrich Chuckles at How Top Democrats are Trashing Kamala

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich appears on Fox News on Thursday.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich appears on Fox News on Thursday.
(Fox News / Youube screenshot)

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

‘If you’re paying even the slightest bit of attention, you’ll notice the old guard is actively sabotaging her.’

Republicans certainly have been making note recently of key statements by senior leaders in the Democratic Party that have been viewed as undermining the campaign of Kamala Harris. They’ve even been using them in ads promoting former President Donald Trump’s campaign, sometimes including nothing more than a statement by a Democrat, and Trump’s confirmation that he approved the message.

It’s those with the Biden name, the Clinton name, and others, who have been unleashing startlingly anti-Harris comments recently.

And now former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has put into words what he believes is going on:

He explains, “We’re in the early stages of watching her collapse. … It’s just my hunch … that sometime in the last two weeks, Joe and Jill looked at each other and thought, you know, wouldn’t it be a great legacy if Joe’s the only guy ever to beat Trump? And I think the stuff he’s done to undermine her in the last ten days is pretty amazing.”

It is a report at Revolver.news that has assembled a list of those incidents.

“To the casual onlooker, it’s clear that the old guard of the Democrat Party – people like the Bidens and the Clintons—have no love for Kamala Harris. In fact, if you’re paying even the slightest bit of attention, you’ll notice the old guard is actively sabotaging her. Whether intentional or not, their disdain for Kamala and the way she ‘rose to power’ is leading to some serious backstabbing,” the report said.

It cited Joe Biden’s decision just weeks ago to wear a MAGA hat, linked directly to President Donald Trump’s Make American Great Again campaign.

Then, while Harris is desperately trying to find some way to separate herself from the Biden-Harris administration failures, for which she was the “border czar” and responsible for the failed multi-billion dollar campaign to link rural America to the web, Biden is putting her resoundingly in his camp.

After all, he confirmed he and she are “singing from the same song sheet.”

Then she attacked Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over his actions following Hurricane Helene, and Biden defended and praised him.

“But Joe’s not the only one, folks. Bill Clinton is now shuffling around the campaign trail, and he’s made some eyebrow-raising moves to sabotage Kamala, just weeks away from Election Day. It’s hard to tell if these are the actions of senile men who don’t have a clue, or if they’re actually lucid, making well-calculated moves against a power-hungry woman who’s never earned anything on her own merits,” the report said.

Clinton recently confirmed what Republicans have said for years: Democrats want open borders and mass illegal immigrant actually to replace American voters:

And he confirmed the Biden-Harris campaign to do that has brought misery to Americans, such as the family of Laken Riley, killed by an illegal alien. He said Riley probably would be alive had Harris, as Biden’s “border czar,” insisted that those entering the U.S. be properly vetted.

The report explained while Biden is undermining Harris, “it’s Bill Clinton who’s really going full throttle in destroying Kamala. He’s plunging the dagger right into the heart of her flailing campaign. As we mentioned, he’s out on the trail for Team Kamala, and while he’s out there – looking like he’s been rode hard and put away wet – he’s also telling the country that Kamala Harris is pushing the Great Replacement Theory. That’s the theory that (correctly) claims globalists are letting their countries be overrun by migrants and illegals to create new demographics and voting blocs while erasing white people and the middle class.”

The report explained those seniors in the Democrat party “believe they know she led a soft coup against Joe Biden, and now they’re paying her back for the dirty work. From Biden contradicting her at every turn to Bill Clinton throwing out the truth bombs about her failed leadership and border disaster, it’s obvious they’re doing some sneaky stuff under the radar to make sure she never gets anywhere near the Oval Office.”

Harris’ “soft coup” happened when elites in the party decided to throw Biden under the bus and install Harris as the party’s candidate this year, without her ever winning a single primary vote.

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The post ‘Watching Her Collapse’: Newt Gingrich Chuckles at How Top Democrats are Trashing Kamala appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.